HOT AND STEAMY is the main weather feature of the day. A strong westerly wind holds the sea breeze in check through most of the day for areas west of Penobscot Bay, but as that relaxes, it will begin to move inland. ISOLATED SHOWERS and STORMS are possible in the afternoon, possibly bringing locally heavy dumpers. The best chance is for the western mountains, north and east. Watch the sky and pay attention. BEACHGOERS note that the tides are high just after midday, so space availability will likely be tight until later in the afternoon. SEA BREEZE will likely be muted as a westerly wind prevails for southwestern areas until later in the afternoon. FOG could be a PITA for MidCoast areas eastward. Patchy drizzle is possible further up the coast around Passamaquoddy Bay. This may keep temperatures in the 60s. MONDAY / TUESDAY… The roasting conditions continue. A HEAT ADVISORY is possible for Tuesday as apparent temperatures push into the mid-90s or higher over southwest interior areas. Potential for ISOLATED SHOWERS & STORMS for the interior on both days, with a better chance for activity on Tuesday. The SEA BREEZE will spare the shorelines of the heat but may fire storms along the boundary over the interior. HIGH TIDES are in the mid-afternoon in the coming days during the peak of the day's heat. Plan your trip to the beach accordingly. Areas of FOG are around to start and continue to be a PITA to figure out along the MidCoast and DownEast shorelines as a big bank sits over the Gulf of Maine. WEDNESDAY / THURSDAY / FRIDAY … A massive subtropical ridge over the Atlantic, along with the remnants of Beryl, will determine how the rest of the week plays out. Expect the risk of showers and storms for now, with the potential for locally heavy rainfall. Time will tell how next weekend plays out, but the shower/storm threat may continue into Saturday and Sunday.
Stay cool, and thank you for your support! - Mike |
Mike Haggett